words to share: published poems and an upcoming book

  • Image Journal A prayer for Home, Creed in the Santa Ana Winds, On Lazarus

  • Missouri Review Resistance

  • Storyscape Journal Before Doors, Door Two

  • Rattle Poetry Shame at Eight

  • Prairie Schooner What is Left Behind

  • Poet Lore After the Ultrasound, On Creation, Love

  • Aurorean Longing, Asgard Without You

  • Portland Review My Father Who Holds the World

  • Smartish Pace Fight

  • The Baltimore Review If You Could Grieve

Simple Fact

a poetry chapbook

Coming Spring 2025

After the Ultrasound


French fries burn my fingers

and I lick the salt, holding

an icy coke between my knees

as I drive.  The body was black


and bucking, a mouth

biting fingers, a caterpillar spine,

fingerprints set, the whole thing

just longer than a fig. 


I am driving under a sky

broken wide with late morning,

there’s sun on the dash,

on the windshield, sun


glinting in a thousand shards

in the asphalt, gleaming

off the ocean just behind

the nodding oil rigs


and A&P strip mall,

sun tangling in my hair

because for now

we are golden, that body


slipped silently into mine

and held there as the glassy ocean

breaks shape and the sky

nearly falls under such light.

My Father Who Holds the World


When I walk into the bathroom, the small TV

on the counter speaks the 6 o'clock news

and my father is at the sink. I sit balanced

on the lip of the tub watching him,

like I did as a girl, run the razor across

his soft cheeks, over his Adam’s apple

along his jaw. He stands with his hands

on either side of the basin, tension silenced

in his shoulders as he leans toward the mirror.

I am memorizing the slope of his forehead,

the shape of his watch, imprinted on his wrist.

On Creation 

The wonder is not

in making something from nothing,


the wonder is God

shattering himself


to become word

made river, made blue jay, made stone.


The wonder is not

seven days, but that on day six


God left language to use his hands,

formed the human


and breathed into him

until flesh came.


The wonder is not

how the man must have screamed


as dirt forced from new lungs,

but how we shudder now to think


that we alone

were not spoken but touched,


that we alone were left

with a chestful of God’s breath.